Creating Sites

Sites are used as geographical markers in Peak for organising your Noise Maps.

You can have unlimited sites configured in Peak and you can have unlimited floor plans within those sites.

Each floorplan can have it’s own beacons mapped and this is explained in more detail in the Noise Maps and Beacons section.

To create a new Site navigate to the Sites section by using the option on the left hand navigation bar. Once on this view you will be presented with the current list of Active Sites that are available.

From here you can Edit the existing site name by clicking the Edit pen icon on the far right inline for that Site or Disable & Enable the Site by using the Active toggle that is displayed.

If you want to keep the Site data and any historical noise maps associated, but do not want to see them every time you navigate through your noise maps, toggle Inactive is the recommend way to achieve this.

To get started and add a new Site select the New Site button located in the top right of the screen shown below.

Once you are in the Add Site screen you will be able to give a name to your Site and this will allow you to start creating Noise Maps.

Note: If you are unsure of the exact title of the Site this can be changed later using the edit function on the main Sites overview screen.

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