Navigating Exposure Metrics in the Peak Noise Management Platform
This guide will help you access the Peak noise management platform and navigate your data after logging in. You'll learn how to view exposure metrics effectively, manage work groups, and interpret the data.
Logging Into Peak
Accessing the Platform: Begin by logging into your Peak account using the URL using your email address and password. Upon logging in, the default page will take you to the Exposure Metrics View.
Understanding Exposure Metrics View
Data Selection: You can choose to view data by work groups and a specific date range.
Work Groups: Flexible, virtual organizational units that help group individuals and hardware. They enable easier filtering in the Peak UI and allow you to track exposure across different projects, teams, or sites.
Date Range: You can view data by day, week, month, or set a custom range. For instance, in this example, we will look at data from October 29, 2019. To do this click on the date, filter to your desired date and select apply.
Viewing the Hearing Protection Data Gathered Card
Active vs. Inactive Headsets: The hearing protection data gathered card shows the proportion of active headsets that have logged data during the selected date range.
Active: Headsets that have provided data for the selected work groups and date range.
Inactive: Headsets that have not logged data during the specified period.
Usage Indicators:
75% or greater usage
50% or greater usage
Less than 50% usage
In this example, 11 of 31 headsets uploaded data on October 29.
Tip: Hover over the question mark for detailed explanations of any data cards.
Toggling Data View: Click on the data view at the top right of the card to see data behind the hearing protection metrics.
This includes:
- Headset IDs showing unique identifiers
- Assigned individuals for each headset
- The usage column shows the total recorded period in hours, minutes, seconds.
- The work group column indicates the last work group the headset belonged to during the filtered period.
Individual Exposure Overview
Clicking on an individual displays their exposure history over the last 12 months, including:
- Days of data upload each month.
- Any overexposures.
- Highest daily dose received.
Upper Exposure Action Value Exceedance Card
The upper exposure action value exceedance card displays the number of unique headsets recording 100% of their daily dose or greater.
Dose Measurement: Noise exposure as a percentage of the normal allowable daily dose, based on an 8-hour working pattern at 85 dBA.
In this example, two headsets recorded over 100% of their dose on October 29.
Click on the data view at the top right of the card to see assigned individuals and their respective dosages at ear (image shown above).
In this example we can see that one headset has received 310% at ear dose and the other 161%.
Exposure Action Value Overview Card
The exposure action value overview card provides a visual representation of headsets, their assigned personnel, and recorded exposure doses.
Color coding indicates exposure levels:
Exceeded upper exposure action value
Not exceeded
Not data during the period
Tip: Hover over a bubble to display the headset ID number, overexposure count and workgroup. If a headset is assigned to an individual you will see a display icon of a person in the bubble.
7 Day Team Exposure Action Values Overview Card
The team exposure action values overview card displays a graph of headset usage over the last 7 days.
Bars indicate whether individuals exceeded the exposure action value:
Tip: Hover over a bar graph on a particular day to show the breakdown of protected & overexposed individuals. In this example we can see 2 headsets that have identified overexposures on the 29th of October.
Upper Exposure Action Value (UEAV) Incidents Card
The upper exposure action value (UEAV) incidents card counts all noise incidents at or exceeding 85 dB(A), categorised into 10-minute windows.
For October 29, 228 incidents were recorded across 11 headsets.
Clicking into the data view reveals headset ID, assigned individual, and incidents grouped into protected and unprotected events.
A unprotected event is when the external & internal microphone both record noise levels at 85 dB(A) or above.
A protected event is when the external microphone records noise levels at 85 dB(A) or above but the internal microphone is below 85 dB(A.
Wear Rate Card
The wear rate card is a metric to quantify the level of protection currently being achieved by the headsets. The metric focuses on noise levels of 85dB(A) or above recorded on the internal microphones.
The metric divides the number of Internal Measurements over 85dB(A) by the number of External Measurements recorded. The result is expressed as a % to show the amount of protection being achieved.
In this example the headsets have recorded just under 27 hours 30 minutes of noise above 85 dB(A), of that the level of protection achieved is 79.2% which is is equivalent to approximately 21 hours 35 minutes. This means that there is approximately 6 hours that the internal microphones recorded over 85 dB(A).
This guide serves as a comprehensive overview of how to access and navigate the Peak noise management platform. By effectively utilising the exposure metrics, you can enhance safety and compliance within your organisation.
Additional Support
For further assistance, please reach out to us at or consult the Eave Wiki -